Theatre & Acting
This is why you should choose Theater & Acting
The main subject Theater & Acting is a course in the basic technical principles of theater and dramaturgy as well as different types of creative processes in the world of theater. You will experience an exciting journey of discovery through the theatrical toolbox, in a safe environment with our skilled teachers.
Theater is about presence and expression, technique and play, discipline and improvisation, body and language, group work and collective creation. We work with boats TRAINING and CREATIVE PROJECTS, i en intens og fokuseret stemning, hvor et trygt og intimt gruppeforhold er altafgørende, og hvor alt hviler på både den individuelle frihed og den fælles ansvarlighed.
Teaterfaget vil være grænseoverskridende, men på en spændende, tryg og lærerig måde – præcis, som teater skal være.
Start på højskolen mors
Kom og oplev magien på Højskolen Mors – hvor oplevelser bliver til værdifulde minder, en ny rejse begynder og vær en del af et stærkt fællesskab.
træning og teknik
- Theater training provides a bodily experience of the play's fundamental tools and principles with elements from different techniques and theater traditions (Stanislavski, Grotowski, theater anthropology, Viewpoints, Suzuki, pantomime, clown, mask theater, storytelling, theater sports, etc.).
We work with everything from:
- PHYSIODRAMATICS: Energy, intention, action, relationship, musicality and space.
- VOICEACTING:Words and voice.
- FIGURE AND CHARACTER: Composition and psychology.
- TEXT WORK: Memory techniques, the actor's dramaturgy, interpretation and text.
- IMPROVISATION:With body, language and much more.
The courses level
The course is designed for you who are an ambitious actor who may want to prepare you for a possible entrance exam at the School of Performing Arts, but also for you who want to try yourself in something completely new or get to know theater ..
Vi skaber både større og mindre produktioner med udgangspunkt i elevernes kreativitet, lyst og engagement. Det kan være en fælles, større forestilling eller et mindre indslag til en af Højskolens mange begivenheder. Det kan være en helt ny dramaturgi, som vi selv har skabt, men det kan også være en komisk sketch eller et forsøg omkring en nøglescene fra en stor klassiker. Vi kan arbejde indendørs eller udendørs, i vores teatersal eller site-specific i en anden location.
Der er mulighed for at vælge forskellige vinkler og roller i vores kreative projekter: alle bliver opfordret til at være skuespillere, men man kan arbejde også med dramaturgi og tekstskrivning, eller fokusere på det visuelle og det musikalske i et teaterprojekt.
Uanset om man skal forberede en optagelsesprøve, eller bare er fascineret af den dramatiske brug af kroppen og stemmen, gerne vil blive bedre til at stå foran et publikum eller lave filmskuespil, er til fysisk teater eller er mere til abstrakte scenekunst udtryk, vil man få nye redskaber og blive inspireret på Højskolen Mors.
TEACHER IN Theater & Acting
“Seeing the individual develop humanly and artistically is what makes sense in my work - the theater teaching must be exciting and surprising.“
Pierangelo is a theater teacher, director, theater researcher and playwright who, among other things, has taught at the Danish School of Performing Arts in Aarhus. He has also, as a theater director, spearheaded the experimental theater Altamira since 2010, and he was for a number of years assistant director to the famous theater director Eugenio Barba at the Odin Theater. In addition, he has taught at theaters and universities in Rome, Grenoble, Tehran, Beijing, Aarhus and Limfjordsteatrets talentcourse
Pierangelo also teaches preparatory courses for entrance exams at the Danish School of Performing Arts, as well as at Højskolen Mors' subjects The Actors ABC and Performance.
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