
mandag til fredag: 08.00 - 14.00



Mette Damiri

Mette Damiri

Principal and teacher

Mette is a musician, singer and is crazy about horses. She has a master's degree in cultural management from Rome Business School, and she has overall responsibility for the Højskolen Mors' PR and communication.

Phone:: 21 62 64 55 

Email: mette@hojskolenmors.dk


Nicolai Westmark

Nicolai Westmark

Teaches What up world, Sociology and The Press Room

Nicolai's interest can be summed up in two words: Society and existence. What expectations, frames and bonds are created by society? And how do we find meaning in it?

Nicolai is a cand.scient.pol. from Aarhus University, and after some time in the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Elderly, and as a teacher at Silkeborg Højskole, Nicolai is now teaching the social sciences area at Højskolen Mors. Nicolai's teaching is characterized by his enormous curiosity and desire to be present and present in everything he does.

Nicolai teaches in Hva’ så verden, sociologi . The pressroom.   

Phone: 22 19 22 33

Email: nw@hojskolenmors.dk


Anneaya røllike

Anneaya røllike

Underviser i Yoga og Krop & Bevægelse

Anne is a trained psychomotor therapist, yoga and mindfulness instructor. In teaching, you will often hear her use words such as ‘body awareness’, ‘breathing’ and ‘foot roller’. She loves free dancing, sun salutations and bare feet. 


Johannes vilbjørn røllike

Johannes vilbjørn røllike

Højskolelærer i Film, Videokunst og Storytelling

Johannes is a professional film director from the danish filmschool Super8 and has several years of experience as a teacher, including being a teacher at Station-Next and Askov Folk High School. He loves when students' ambitions grow during a captivating film production.
Besides film Johannes loves sport, animals and the big questions in life.




Højskolelærer i Musik, Kor, Balle for alle og Musikteori

Gry er uddannet fra Musikvidenskab på Aarhus Universitet, og har en lang historik som musiker i diverse bands. Gry er en vaskeægte højskole- og musik-nørd, der inden sin tid på Højskolen Mors, har lært eleverne på Silkeborg Højskole, hvordan kvintcirklen hænger sammen.

Caroline Gylling

Caroline Gylling

Praktikant i Permakultur og Vild Mad

Når der er mudrede fodspor gennem spisesalen, er der stor sandsynlighed for, at det er Caroline, der står bag dem. Caroline er nemlig oftest at finde blandt grønkål, brombær og vådt jord nede i permahaven.
Caroline er igang med en uddannelse som miljøingenør, og har en stor drøm om at gøre en forskel i den aktuelle klimakamp. Netop hendes entusiasme omkring klima, bæredygtighed og at leve i symbiose med naturen, er nogle af de værdier, Caroline dagligt smitter vores elever med. 

Morten valdemar dahl

Morten valdemar dahl

Teaches Outdoor Life

If you think you have difficulty finding Morten inside the school, it makes good sense. He is more often to be found in a treetop, on the back of a surfboard or screwed down in a kayak than he is in the classroom. Morten is the definition of outdoor: He is a surf instructor (both in SUP, paddle and windsurf), tree climbing instructor, wall climbing instructor, kayak instructor, mountain bike instructor, diving instructor, lifeguard and hunting instructor. In other words: There isn't an activity out in the open that Morten doesn't have expertise in.

Morten has previously taught at after-schools, surf courses, seminars and as a nature guide. He is very concerned that the outdoor profession should be accessible to everyone. Whether you've slept more in a shelter than in a bed, or whether you don't own a pair of rubber boots: Morten meets you at your level, will make Outdoor the time of your life!

Phone: 21 26 32 50

Email: mortenvaldemar@hotmail.com



"Octopus" and teaches the Creation Workshop and Ceramics

Birte is the folk high schools "octopus". She's both a helping hand in the cleaning-department and a teacher. She helps keeping the school neat and clean, both outside and inside. In addition, Birte teaches Creative space, hvor der er gode rammer for at udvikle dig kreativt, og Ceramics, where you can make beautiful creations in clay.

Birte is a trained teacher from the Free Teachers' School in Ollerup and has also attended the Art Academy in Aarhus. She loves working creatively with the garden, ceramics, wood turning, drawing, sewing, knitting and much more.


Bettina Sterring

Bettina Sterring


In the kitchen you will find our fantastic kitchen chef, Bettina. In addition to delicious food, Bettina also creates a good atmosphere in the kitchen, where you'll always feel welcome! Since she got an apprenticeship in 1987, she has worked with food - both as a chef, self-employed and product developer. Basically, she just likes to make people happy, by serving some food they like! In her spare time, Bettina enjoys hiking, reading books and spending time with her friends, children and grandchildren.

Email: bettina@hojskolenmors.dk

Charlotte Jessen

Charlotte Jessen

Kitchen helper

Charlotte loves getting up early in the morning, and that's lucky for us! She makes breakfast for the whole school and always shows up with a big smile and a good mood. 
Charlotte helps to create a cozy and homely atmosphere in the kitchen that the students and staff love!  

kresten arentsen

kresten arentsen


"Has anyone seen Kresten?", is a phrase that can be heard at school about ten thousand times a day. Kresten is (completely objective) the world's best janitor. Period. Is your drain stopped? Does the microwave oven make strange noises? Or should new shelves be built in ceramics? Kresten is your guy! 

Steffen Høy

Steffen Høy


Hvis du hører en susen udenfor musiklokalet, og ser en fyr med høretelfoner og solbriller suse rundt på en græsslåmaskine, er der ingen tvivl om, hvem du har fået øje på: Vores allesammens Steffen Høy! Steffen er Krestens højre hånd, og hele skolens helt i skysovs. 

Nikolai Seidelin

Nikolai Seidelin

Principal and teacher

Nikolai is an energy bomb of rhythmic joy! He's a drummer, historian and with 13 years of experience in the folk high school industry, he must start a funky groove and a stable rhythm for Højskolen Mors.
Nikolai teaches worldmusic.  

Phone: 21 39 49 62

Email: nikolai@hojskolenmors.dk

Oso Souki Bracho

Oso Souki Bracho

Underviser i Permakultur og Vild Mad

Since Oso attended his first Permaculture course, more than 20 years ago, his heart has been beating for ecology, green energy, self-sufficiency and local ingredients. Oso and his family live to Mors and has their own organic, sustainable agriculture based on perma principles. Oso is therefore a master at teaching practical and hands-on Permaculture.
Oso is passionate about motivating the high school's students to live more sustainably and to create a food culture at Højskolen Mors that contributes positively to the climate, the environment and the green transition.

Phone:: 50327817

Email: ososouki@gmail.com


Ida Storm Frøslev Hansen

Ida Storm Frøslev Hansen

Højskolelærer i Musik, Journalistik, Forfatterværksted og kommunikationsmedarbejder

Ida er uddannet cand.mag. i dansk og musik, SoMe- og astrologi-nørd og arbejder både med musik og ord på Højskolen Mors. Ida har en baggrund som journalist på magasinet Woman samt som sangerinde og musiker i alverdens forskellige kontekster.

Phone 26 36 98 15

Email: ida@hojskolenmors.dk

Pierangelo Pompa

Pierangelo Pompa

Teaches Theater & Acting and Performance

 “Seeing the individual develop humanly and artistically is what make sense in my work. The theater teaching must be exciting and surprising.” Pierangelo is a theater teacher, director, theater researcher and playwright. As a theater director, he has been in charge of the experimental theater, Altamira, since 2010, and for a number of years he was assistant director to the famous theater director Eugenio Barba at the Odin Theater. In addition, he has taught at theaters and universities in Rome, Grenoble, Tehran, Beijing, Aarhus and locally at Limfjordsteatrettalent course

Besides teaching in teater, Pierangelo also teaches preparatory courses for entrance exams at the Danish School of Performing Arts.

Phone: 52 17 39 16
Email: pp@hojskolenmors.dk

Astrid Lykke RAUNKJÆR

Astrid Lykke RAUNKJÆR

Underviser i Litteratur & Filosofi, praktikant i Politik og Sociologi

Astrid er idéhistoriker fra Aarhus Universitet, og har, inden sin tid på Højskolen Mors, arbejdet på Folkemødet på Bornholm. Tilsyneladende kan Astrid dog slet ikke få nok af ølivet, for nu er hun landet på Højskolen Mors, hvor hun dagligt beriger os med tankeeksperimenter som: “Har vi egentlig et ansvar for hvilke arbejdsforhold de kaffebønner, vi bruger til kaffen i spisesalen, er høstet under?”, og gør os klogere på Israel Palestina-konflikten. 

Johannes Nysted

Johannes Nysted

Underviser i Musiklaboratoriet

Hvis du har været til fest på Højskolen Mors, har du højest sandsynligt set en lang gut, der spinner plader bag pulten, og det er ingen andre end vores helt egen producer og DJ Johannes Nysted.

Nysted (som han går under her på stedet) har DJ’et og produceret i (tæt på) tusind år, og med en baggrund som folkeskolelærer, er Nysted verdens bedste underviser i Musiklaboratoriet, og kan uden tvivl klæde dig på til at blive din omgangskreds nye Tiësto eller Trentemoller.

Mette Hegnhøj - PÅ ORLOV

Mette Hegnhøj - PÅ ORLOV

Teaches Creative writing

Mette Hegnhøj teaches the creative writing course Creative writing. Mette ensures that a confident and safe space is created to explore the writing process. With Mette you'll find yourself in form experiments that is helping you challenge your understanding of what literature can be and you will get to know the possibilities of your own literary voice better. Mette is educated at the Danish Author School and has a large number of publications behind her.

In the award-winning "Ella er mit navn, vil du købe det?" Mette Hegnhøj also challenges the boundaries between visual art and children's literature. She has been nominated for the Nordic Council's children's literature prize and in 2014 she received the Ministry of Culture's Author Award. She manages to teach with great commitment, good humor and presence. In 2022, she is nominated for the Karen Blixen Prize.

Read more about Mette here:

Else Mathiassen

Else Mathiassen

Teacher and course leader

Else is dancer, historyteller and lecturer.
She took from the birth island of Mors out into the big world to dance and collect stories.
For the past 30 years, she has lived and worked as a teacher and principal at West Jutland University College. Now she has returned her dancing shoes to Mors, where she will hold short courses and teach storytelling.

Else is the head of the Storytelling Academy, which is also located at Højskolen Mors.

Phone: 20 70 18 76 

Homepage: www.elsemathiassen.dk

Lisbeth Vestergaard

Lisbeth Vestergaard

Office manager

When you arrive at Højskolen Mors, Lisbeth is probably the first one you'll see. Lisbeth's Højskolen Mors' razor-sharp business manager. She keeps a close eye on our accounts as well as coordinating registrations and much more. 

When you call us, Lisbeth is the one, you talk to on the phone. 
Do you have any questions about bills, folk high school stays, etc. call Lisbeth at:

Phone: 88 77 97 20

Mail: bogholder@hojskolenmors.dk

Kasper Larsen

Kasper Larsen

Cooking student

Kasper is a 2nd year cooking student at Højskolen Mors. Together with the rest of the kitchen team, Kasper is ready to serve delicious food to all our students and course participants. He helps to create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, where students always feel welcome.  

Nina Broe Madsen

Nina Broe Madsen

Kitchen employee

If you want to taste the world's best fishcakes, then you have to stick around when Nina is in the kitchen! Nina has worked with food for over twenty years, and you can taste it in all the nice food she prepares for us several times a day. Nina is a trained caterer and dietitian, and when she is not to be found in the school kitchen, you can find her in the garden, on walks in nature or with her two daughters. 

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Højskolen Mors | Salgerhøjvej 36 | 7900 Nykøbing Mors | Denmark 

Mail: info@hoejskolenmors.dk 

Phone: +45 88 77 97 20

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©Hoejskolenmors.dk | Web design: RADESIGN