
mandag til fredag: 08.00 - 14.00


That's why you should choose music


Music at Højskolen Mors Mors is about spending a lot of time with others who love to play music. If there is a good opportunity, we line up for a concert! The core of the subject is interplay, you learn to become aware of your role and function in the overall expression. You'll typically have a main instrument, but you will also try other roles and instruments, which helps to deepen your understanding of music. The teaching is adapted to your level, so you meet the right musical challenges.

As a natural part of the teaching, there will be theory and context for the music we play while we play it. In that way we'll get all the way around the music in the rehearsal room.


We'll regularly rehearse for concerts where we'll play for an audience. We'll therefore learn to put a concert on its feet and to ‘perform’ on stage together and separately. The school also has a studio that we can use for recording. 

Interpretation (covers) and original material  

In the music subject, we'll always work to make a mark on the music, so we do not just 'copy' the original, but create our own expression. We also want to create our own music and set up concerts in new ways.


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Teacher in Music

Gry er uddannet fra Musikvidenskab på Aarhus Universitet, og har en lang historik som musiker i diverse bands. Gry er en vaskeægte højskole- og musik-nørd, der inden sin tid på Højskolen Mors, har lært eleverne på Silkeborg Højskole, hvordan kvintcirklen hænger sammen.



Højskolelærer i musik

Ida er, ligesom Jacob, uddannet i musikvidenskab, og har spillet musik lige så længe, hun kan huske. Ida har arbejdet professionelt som sangerinde siden en ung alder, og har indspillet kæmpemæssige mængder af børnemusik, brugt flere år som korleder samt utallige timer på at nørde sangteknik. 

For Ida er det super vigtigt at skabe et trygt rum i musikundervisningen, så eleverne i musik på Højskolen Mors, kan udvikle sine musikalske talenter i de absolut bedste rammer. 


Mail: Ida@hojskolenmors.dk

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Højskolen Mors | Salgerhøjvej 36 | 7900 Nykøbing Mors | Denmark 

Mail: info@hoejskolenmors.dk 

Phone: +45 88 77 97 20

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