
mandag til fredag: 08.00 - 14.00



This is why singing in a choir is amazing

Choir is about community and the joy of singing together. It's about warming up, singing in vocal groups and following a conductor. It is about understanding the experiences and stories that are sung about. It's about having fun.

The repertoire will include a wide selection of rhythmic, classical and folk songs and movements and basically always polyphonic. The teacher will impart basic singing and choral techniques as well as historical and musical context to the songs, so you can learn to sing and understand the music.

Choir is a voluntary common subject that brings everyone together across the schedule. It requires no early choir-experience, one does not have to be a singer or be able to read sheet music. The only thing required is that you come with the desire to dare to sing with others.

Vi lover dig for, at hvis dagen har været grå, kan en banger fra Højskolesangbogen, sunget i kor med alle dine bedste højskolevenner, redde enhver kedelig mandag. Vi glæder os til at synge i kor med dig!

(Choir will be offered as a joint activity in the evening)

Er du helt tosset med musik? På Højskolen Mors kan du dykke seriøst ned i musikkens verden med musik på skemaet hver evigt eneste dag. Vælg Music som hovedfag og suppler med de mange musik-sidefag, der kan vælges på Højskolen Mors: Sangskrivning/produktion, musikteori . brugsklaver, stemmetræning, worldmusic . kor 

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Gry er uddannet fra Musikvidenskab på Aarhus Universitet, og har en lang historik som musiker i diverse bands. Gry er en vaskeægte højskole- og musik-nørd, der inden sin tid på Højskolen Mors, har lært eleverne på Silkeborg Højskole, hvordan kvintcirklen hænger sammen.

Højskolen Mors | Salgerhøjvej 36 | 7900 Nykøbing Mors | Denmark 

Mail: info@hoejskolenmors.dk 

Phone: +45 88 77 97 20

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